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Si, si, pur troppo e vero: nel temerario volo Molti gl’Ícari son, Dedalo un solo Voli per l’aria chi puo volare Scorra veloce la terra, il mare, Parta, ritorni, ne fermi il pie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnFMm1-_9ew

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The Koukidis Option On April 27, 1941, Konstantinos Koukidis was the Greek Evzone on flag-guard duty at the Acropolis, when the German invaders arrived. When a German officer ordered Koukidis to surrender, give up the Greek flag, and raise the German flag in its place, Koukidis took the Greek flag down, wrapped it around his […]

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  ЖАЛОБА на постановление об отказе в возбуждении уголовного дела Translation from Russian

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Picture-1 – see how the price of aluminium metal is rising on the US exchanges

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By John Helmer in Moscow In the junior goldmining business, hope springs eternal. So naturally it did, when GV Gold, the Irkutsk-based junior goldminer controlled by Sergei Dokuchayev, went before a recent Moscow miners’ beauty contest to announce a new share issue bid. Maxim Gorlachev, head of corporate development, told the Adam Smith Institute metals […]

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By John Helmer in Moscow Negotiations under way between Russian gas exporter Gazprom and Romania may result in a dramatic shift in the routing of the South Stream gas pipeline under the Black Sea, and in current relations between the Russian and Bulgarian governments, Bulgarian officials have told Fairplay.