It’s traditional at this time of year to rest, chew things over, do a little flossing of the teeth, and return sharper than ever.
It’s traditional at this time of year to rest, chew things over, do a little flossing of the teeth, and return sharper than ever.
By John Helmer, Moscow Leonid Lebedev (lead image) has been charged with stripping millions of dollars from TGK-2, the regional electricity utility he controls. Details of the lawsuit have been revealed this week in the files of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in Tortola, British Virgin Islands (BVI). The 4-page court filing of June 24, […]
By John Helmer, Moscow The board of directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was unsure until the last minute on Friday that the Ukrainian government in Kiev would get their delayed loan instalment of $1.7 billion. The board and management were much swifter in erasing personal communications which the IMF representative in Kiev, Jerome […]