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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with The German generals are trying it again. That’s the Wolf’s Lair plot of July 20, 1944. To save themselves,  they are begging their counterparts in Washington, DC, to find a way to lose the war in the Ukraine as quickly as possible without losing the US empire in Germany. This means […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with Angela Merkel (lead image),  the chancellor who destroyed the Christian Democratic party in German politics always hated Russia and President Vladimir Putin most of all. She concealed this for as long as she calculated she needed to preserve the votes of East Germany, German businesses and unions for her re-election. But […]

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Tamas Gergo Samu interviews John Helmer  @bears_with Tamas Gergo Samu conducted this interview by email earlier this month.  Samu, a journalist,  has been a Hungarian parliament deputy in Budapest; then an adviser to the head of the Movement for a Better Hungary (Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom), a key party in the parliamentary opposition bloc known as United for […]

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By Thomas Röper, introduced and translated by John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (lead image, centre) and Thomas Haldenwang (extreme right) the internal security chief Scholz accepted from Angela Merkel, have pulled off a media coup in the style of the first German minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels (on knees).* No German currently employed […]

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Introduced by John Helmer, Moscow, and reported by Christopher Black, Toronto  @bears_with There will be no Russian appeal to the high Dutch courts in the case of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. A district court judge, Hendrik Steenhuis, ruled on November 17 to acquit one Russian and convict two other Russians and a Ukrainian, all fighting for […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with When the US economy was in collapse in 1929, the advertising copywriters for Coca Cola were told to come up with a new slogan. The chief executive of the beverage company thought that for  Coke to beat its rivals, it was necessary to persuade Americans who were desperate financially to pay […]

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By Olga Samofalova, introduced and translated by John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with When Ursula von der Leyen (lead image) was nominated in 2019 to be Germany’s candidate to lead the European Commission, German politicians from her own party privately described her as too stupid and potentially too corrupt to be risked inside Germany during the political succession […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with The action the Lithuanian government implemented over the weekend to stop Russian trains carrying sanctioned cargos into Kaliningrad is regarded in Moscow as a long anticipated move, prompted among Lithuanian officials by the British government. The initial Lithuanian embargo action has been followed by a second one this week extending the […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with A German walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender tells him: “That’ll be 100 euros.” The German is in shock. “What do you mean, 100 euros? Yesterday it was only 10!” “Well today it’s 100.” “But why 100, dammit?!”