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By John Helmer, Moscow   @bears_with It takes time for politicians to understand. When the Obama Administration pulled their Kiev putsch of February 21, 2014, they, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and their British and French counterparts understood they were in for a long war. Merkel has admitted as much;  the British and French have lost power […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with Football is the most popular sport Russians like to play and like to watch. Ice hockey comes second. The connexion between football and ice hockey, apples and tomatoes is that Gennady Timchenko (lead image left) is the sanctioned oligarch who is now moving into domestic production of apples to substitute for […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow, and George Eliason, Donetsk  @bears_with Seymour Hersh, a US journalist, has just broadcast his defence of a plan by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to sabotage President Joseph Biden’s re-election campaign before it gets under way. In a German video podcast from Germany, Hersh has made a string of telltale mistakes of […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with Kinetic lesson learning is a euphemism for what military and political commanders learn from mistakes, miscalculations, misjudgements, and misfortunes – their own, and their adversary’s. Kinetic is the newspeak; lesson learning, if it happens, is the reality. A NATO military veteran has reviewed General P.R. Shankar’s detailed assessments of the Ukrainian […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with In a single strike with a new naval weapon on Friday (lead image, left)  Russian forces have stopped the French plan to deliver tanks to the Ukrainian battlefront; triggered the replacement of Moldova’s prime minister; and tightened the siege on Odessa, accelerating the choice the city residents will make between Kiev […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with Seymour Hersh’s (lead image) report on President Joseph Biden’s decision to destroy the Nord Stream gas pipelines on the Baltic seabed on September 26, 2022, and the involvement of the US Navy in preparing the explosives, has been based on a single anonymous US source with what Hersh calls “direct knowledge […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with The Massachusetts philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson was making a mistake when he claimed “there are only ten minutes in the life of a pear when it is perfect to eat.”  Although he grew pears himself, Emerson isn’t known to have made them into pear cider, also known as poiré in France, perry […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with Paper tiger German tanks, delivered on the insistence of lame-duck Ukrainian politicians, will become sitting ducks on the battlefield, while the economic front of the war against Russia is looking more and more like the story of over-confidence and guile as told by Uncle Remus to generations of American children. That’s […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with There is nothing like facing the gun muzzles of the Germans, British and Americans to teach Russians what to do to correct their past mistakes.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) would be the last US bank in the world to admit as much. Nor would the IMF concede that everything it […]

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By John Helmer, Moscow  @bears_with A fresh German general has issued a public warning that the war on the Ukrainian battlefield by the US and NATO armies is lost, and that Germany will be lost next if the advance of the Russian forces toward Kiev and Lvov isn’t halted quickly by an armistice, partition and demilitarization […]