Because the JFC company spokesman refused to confirm the name of Vladimir Kekhman’s wife, and thus clarify whether she has played a role in the management and board direction of JFC, it was incorrectly reported that Tatiana Litvinova, until very recently a board director at JFC, was Kekhman’s wife. This appears to be incorrect, based on research in the publicly accessible picture files of Russian media.
According to JFC, Mrs Kekhman’s identity was a private matter, and that’s where it would remain, if Viktoria Aminova had not agreed to publication of photographs of her with her husband (numbers 1 and 2), at presentations of fashion designs she sells (3 and 4), and at a public lecture on ballet and fashion (5). The likeness is confirming; so is the ring on the left finger in pictures 1, 3 and 5.
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