By John Helmer, Moscow
The last time the Norwegians whipped themselves into a frenzy of warmaking race hatred, their minister president was Vidkun Quisling (lead image, left).
An exceptionally intelligent young military officer, he became the Norwegian General Staff’s expert on Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution. He then was posted to the Norwegian Embassy in St Petersburg early in 1918, returning to Oslo when the embassy was suspended after the revolution. He returned to Kharkov in 1922 where he married a Russian, and then the following year, he married another local woman, an ethnic Ukrainian. He was in Moscow for three years, 1926-28, first engaged in trading timber and buying Russian antiques, then representing the British Embassy which had been closed after the revolution and British troops invaded.
When he launched his political career at home, Quisling had become a fascist and racist, and his book of 1930, Russland og vi (“Russia and Ourselves”) a manifesto of Norwegian identity in combat against Bolshevism, revolution, and the Russian race. He met Adolf Hitler (right) many times, starting in mid-1939. “An unspeakable enemy is threatening our civilization”, Quisling’s book began. “This enemy is Bolshevism, the master of Russia and the champion of the World Revolution.” At the time, Norway’s military and economic survival, Quisling believed, depended on the British Empire, as he called it. “The Russian question is an issue between Bolshevism and the Teutonic nations, especially Great Britain, the natural upholder of all that is in opposition to and threatened by Bolshevism.” Breaking up the old Russian Empire’s states and the Soviet Union, especially the Ukraine, Quisling wrote, “might prove a useful means for attaining certain ends, but it might also lead to a reaction which would be destructive to those who had planned it. Charles XII and Germany had that experience in the Ukraine, though this does not necessarily prove much as regards the present and the future. For the rest, it must be remembered that the Ukraine is a country of the same size as Germany, with a population of over 30 millions, possessing great natural wealth, and every qualification for becoming an independent State.”
Quisling’s policy and his party, Nasjonal Samling (NS, “National Gathering”), were political failures until the German Army invaded and occupied Norway in 1940. Quisling and his NS party ministers were installed in power in Oslo alongside a German reichskommissar reporting to Berlin, in February 1942. They held office until the Germans left early in 1945. Quisling was arrested in May of that year; put on trial for embezzlement, murder, and treason; convicted in September; and executed in October.
The first time Quisling’s name was used in English to mean treachery, betrayal, and treason was in an editorial of The Times of London in April 1940. “Quislings everywhere” ran the headline. In New York, Time magazine followed by turning the name into the verb quisle, and the noun quislers. Quisling has stuck.
“I want to let history reach its own verdict,” Quisling said from prison after his arrest. “Believe me, in ten years’ time I will have become another Saint Olav.”
More than ninety years have elapsed since Quisling wrote this: “The most effective remedy for Bolshevism and Bolshevist-Russian plots and intrigues will be found in a closer cultural, economic and political co-operation between those peoples which are the main supporters of Western civilization, and which can be described as Nordic in the widest sense of the term. Where are these peoples? They are in the Scandinavian countries, in Holland and Flanders, the British Empire, Germany, the United States of America, to a considerable extent in France, and largely intermingled with the people of other countries where the Nordic race, however, does not prevail to the same extent. A Northern Coalition of these nations, beginning with Scandinavia and Great Britain—and with the inclusion of Finland and Holland—which might attract Germany next, and possibly the British Dominions and America later on would render innocuous any Bolshevist combination, and would within a measurable distance of time ensure European peace and civilization.”
A firing squad put Quisling into the grave on October 24, 1945. With the new Norwegian doctrine of Teutonic-Nordic war, that is to say, NATO war against Russia, Quisling has jumped out of his grave, and his doctrine has become Norwegian state policy.
Observers record that hatred of Russians and Russian culture is more intensely expressed and pervasive in Oslo than in any other west European capital. Once again, it is righteous in Norway to wage war against Russia for the advancement of the Teutonic-Nordic race and western civilization. To quisle, in short.
Listen to the hour-long discussion with Chris Cook:

Source: https://gorilla-radio.com/
Quisling comes in by name, causing the microphone to rumble, at Min 46.
Since October 2022, Gorilla Radio has been banned from broadcasting by Radio CFUV 101.9 FM in Victoria, British Columbia. The Gorilla Radio transcripts are published on the blog. For Chris Cook’s broadcast archive, click to open.
NOTE: Oslo has more individuals named Helmer in the telephone book than any other city in the world. I am not related to any of them. My family’s name, and so the byline, comes from Łowicz, near Warsaw in Poland. It is a small, modestly useful road and railway junction over which many armies have fought so violently that it’s never been prudent or practical to develop righteousness, especially not now.
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